Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 4 - Marshall Mcluhan

Marshall Mcluhan

Marshall McLuhan was an educator, philosopher, literary critic, rhetorician, communication theorist and professor of English literature. Mcluhan received a M.A in English literature from the University of Manitoba in 1934. During his life, he excelled in communication. During his life, Mcluhan wrote books that explored and looked into the way that communication influences society. He was an expert on media culture. Mcluhan believed that how a message is interpreted is strongly effected by what method of communication is used. Mcluhan said that media are an extension of our senses and that each different medium has an effect on our senses.

The Medium is the Massage is a book by Mcluhan, written in 1967. In this book, Mcluhan reinforces his suggestions about media and the human sensorium. Understanding Media is a book by Mcluhan, written in 1964. In Understanding Media, Mcluhan states that a medium and how he message is delivered has more effect that the actual message. Each medium has unique characteristics that will draw in viewers in different ways. He controversially suggested that actual content had little effect on society As an example from the book, he said that it doesn’t matter if a tv station shows children’s shows or violent programs, the effect of television on society would be the same.

Understanding Media by Mcluhan in 1964

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