Saturday, March 13, 2010

John Heartfield

John Heartfield

John Heartfield was a German designer, painter and journalist. Heartfield pioneered the photomontage technique and is one of the most well known users of photomontage in design.

Heartfield’s work was largely a reaction against The Nazis and World War II. His work included images of Adolf Hitler and Nazi symbols in a satirical and undermining way. His photomontages were often in the form of book covers and posters, which where designed as a response and protest against the Second World War.

Hurrah, die Butter ist Alle! Is one of Heartfields well known pieces. It was made in 1935 and translates in English as Hurray, the butter is gone! The photomontage shows a family sitting at a dining table, who are trying to eat pieces of metal such as chains and rifles. The montage includes a large portrait of Hitler hanging on the wall and swastika wallpaper. Visually, Heartfield has designed this photmontage in a similar way to propaganda posters. This work was designed as a satirical response to a military speech by Herman Goering during a food shortage. The montage included a quote from goering “Iron has always made a nation strong, butter and lard have only made the people fat" Through the use of a photomontage technique, Heartfield has created some very strong and clear imagery, that has been used to visually communicate his message.

More of Heartfields Work

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